Attending interviews can be quite a daunting experience, however candidates who are prepared will always possess the advantage over those who will be not.
Research; learn just as much as you are able to in regards to the company and the job from the recruitment agency prior to interview. Ask your consultant for the job description as well as the company's web site address, this may usually contain information like the company's history, their goods, markets, locations, recent and past news, number of employees etc. A search on Google or another engines like google can bring up more information for example financial reports, news articles, customer reviews etc., social networking sites including LinkedIn and Facebook can contain company's profile pages and employee's profiles, which can inform you of what are the company is like being an employer along with the type of those who currently work there. Employers won't expect you to know everything relating to company but will expect an overall understanding of who they really are and the things they're doing. As well as researching the organization, have a look at their market, who will be their competitors, are there any recent issues (e.g. public sector cuts, engineering or manufacturing sector trends) that may affect their business. Make sure you know what you are being interviewed by and what their role is in the organization, uncover what format the job interview is going to take, are there any tests? Will you be asked to execute a presentation? Do you need to bring anything such qualifications, instances of work etc.? How long should the interview last?
Prepare Questions: Once you have inked the research make a listing of questions, usually at least 10 (some questions may be covered prior to deciding to have opportunity to inquire). Ask questions which demonstrate have done some research, avoiding obvious questions such as 'what would you manufacture?', 'who're Go Here '. Avoid look at these guys regarding pay, holidays, bonuses, overtime etc, no less than until the end of the interview. Ask regarding the job role, the team you would be dealing with, the culture within the company, interaction with departments, company's plans for the future etc.
Know your location going! Get get more , in case you are not really acquainted with the place find out how long it is going to take you to get there, uncover about parking or bus or train times, local taxis etc.
Spending time planning and preparing before interviews can significantly increase performance at interviews.